The World Is Round

Dreaming of a distant sun
Which speaks of tomorrow's dawn
We trudge along the dirt.

Glancing back at the old moon
Which rose in yesterday's twilight
Its glory, now overshadowed.
Mild contempt at the dusk
Now almost far behind.

Smile of promise
gentle yet sure on our lips.

Our shadows
getting longer with each step...

Sun of our thoughts
is but behind the horizon.
Today, let's dream.
Tomorrow, we meet?

Wind of time,
of emotions - hardened silt
of love - flickering candlelight
of beliefs - shrouding fog
at a standstill.
It fails to fan our ignorance.

An echo, lost in the forgotten truths
In memories of that momentary Spring.
An echo of hope, maybe lost forever?

Dusk almost far behind
will be the Dawn of the yonder peaks.
Light of the Moon
Shall come from the Sun itself.
The world is round
For the feet of those
Who believe.


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