Midnight Good Blues

Status (updated):

Family- with moi, at my place, except dear Dad. (Sis and Bro-in-law have been Skyped)

Ex- dont give a damn

Relationship Status- Not single *grins*

Best buds- Out of touch with a couple, the rest working their asses off for college fest

Girl I find cute- with moi

Girls who find me cute- wanting to be out of their reach. :P

Music- B-Adams, Lionel Richie, Abba, Savage Garden, Boyzone, Westlife, Pink Floyd, Usher and the lot

Cell phone- ever ageing

Hair- slooooooowllly dwindling

Mates- Some out of touch, some reading my blog, some working their 'donkeys' off for the college fest

Kid Bros- both of ‘em in a far away city

My head- in that ruddy cranium and flying high too!

Yay!! :D
Love ye all!


  1. Status updated,eh?
    All the best for Event!

  2. hehehe You keep write different things, and that shows the way you experiment with your writing skills!
    Good Work..!

    PS Does your gal also read my blog?
    (referring to your comment regarding the pic)

  3. Not in a good status I suppose. :P
