
Why Eleven? What is Eleven?
How do you write Eleven?
Two vertical, parallel lines which start from the same base line... having no other relation whatsoever.
Eleven is a beginning of a new Decade after the End which is Ten.
So many meanings hidden in the number.
Or rather- so many things which can be analyzed once the wheels of thought are set in motion...

I and the girl (I used to date) planned a meet one day.
It was, perhaps, supposed to show ourselves that the hatchet has been well and truly buried.

I'd suggested a comfortable Coffee bar. She suggested the railway station.
She had her way because she had her reasons. The same reasons.
Reasons which held no logic to me, as always.

The platform was dusty, the platform was dark and empty.
She stood there sipping a cold drink as I walked towards her...
She looked just like she had looked a year back... the last time I'd seen her.
Her dark eyes spoke volumes as they always did, but hid mysteries.
Her smile, for some comprehensible reason, failing to melt my heart.
But it was sweet nonetheless.

We spoke of nothing in particular.
Just about random things going on in our lives and the new individuals we are with now.
It all seemed normal.
Was this a start to a new relationship as friends?
They do sing past lovers can become the best of friends.

Er... no. Nothing of the sort.
We did part like pals.
But soon, we argued again and things fell back into place.
Nothing had changed.
I still saw her as a 'Dimwit' while she believed I'm 'Weak'.
We have not talked since then... and don't even intend to.
No regrets.

For the first time- the stark reality of the situation struck me.
We were two individuals who saw no reason to stay in touch with each other.
Two humans whose lives would go on... on parallel tracks.
But who saw no reason to bridge whatever gap they had created.

Why 'Eleven' and 'Parallel'?
Why not a 'Y' shape which so clearly suggests separation after being together?

  • Because she won't ever be inaccessible. We will always have common friends and be always within reach. Only that- we are not interested.
  • Because we ended a thing which can be started on a whole new note. The choice was ours.
  • Because our lives were always parallel... but we had decided to bridge it. We had decided to hold hands over the gap dividing us. Now- we had let go.
Two completely different persons.
That evening I realized what it feels to meet a person who was once loved dearly... and how the things have drastically changed since then.

Is it really possible that a human can feel no need for another human he has known?
Man is a social animal for all we know.

Yes, it is.
It is with our emotions that we create illusions which suggest that our lives are not parallel.
It is with emotions that we ignore the practical facts needed to solve a situation.
It is with emotions that we are often misled.
Our lives are parallel indeed.
Which either makes them so easy to live or so hard to understand.

People with whom to hold hands... people at whom to smile across the boundaries... but you can't ever pull them on your path.
We all exist in our parallel lives... living with everyone but alone.
Like I've said-
We Shit Alone ;)

It ain't bad to assume stuff if it makes it easier for you to live with stuff.
But Illusions can hurt.
It is up to you to understand the difference between an Illusion and Reality.


  1. The imperfection we all live with, it's within ourselves. This very imperfection makes us fit with some while strangely, makes it a mess with others. I call it - Human.
    Shit happens.

  2. Yes. But always on independent paths.. all of them parallel. :D

  3. Parallel yet complimenting n completing each other
    Jus mere luck to find sm one
