We Shit Alone

Of all the things we enjoy doing with the bits of population we are fond of, there are some things which we really prefer to do alone.
Also, in some cases, we've got no choice.

Say- you ask your bud, "Hey mate, I feel my bowels loosening up. Wanna accompany me to the loo?"
Be sure you wont get "Awesome man! Let's go.." as a reply.
So you see, you've got no choice in such cases.

Apply it anywhere... when you are in a shitty situation, you are alone.
And again- it just happens that you're alone and that's always the best way to deal with the crap.

Most of the crappy aka shitty aka pathetic things in life can't be understood by your best mates. These are the elements which come in your inner sphere and it is best others can't invade that space... even though you're willing.
Beyond a certain point, you're always alone in the dark.
It's like you keeping the door open and others not understanding the point of coming in when you're in the middle of excreting excreta.
You Shit Alone.

Interesting thing is- others can decide whether to provide the light or not.
In residences of normal people, the light switches are somewhere near the door so that you don't find yourself stumbling over the non-existent rats in the dark...
Anyways, if you have enough individuals loving you with good intentions for your hygiene, they tend to switch on the light (should be a CFL) if you forget to do so.
That ensures your job is done in a neat way.

Did you understand that they did not trample in and made it easier... but just switched on the light, gave you the needed visual support and thus you had a (hopefully) clean job done.
But hey! You did the job.
You (always) Shit Alone.

Now don't start bugging me by telling your childhood stories. Yes, even my dad/mum have helped me but then.. I was a child! I needed people to help me out of tight situations!
Now that I've grown up, I can get myself out of constipating situations!
I (since long long back) Shit Alone.

And the best thing is-
We always feel better after doing it. That means letting go of ruddy elements (or rather- excreting excreta) makes us feel better and we become a new individual!

So we learn that when we shit alone, with necessary help in form of CFL lights, we always feel better than we used to.
So it is best to understand why we shit alone and get done with it in a nice manner.

Thanks for going through one of my most nonsensical posts... which makes sense in a most nonsensical manner.
But then- this is how I excrete the excreta in my Cranium.
And that too alone.



  1. *Smiles* (aint enough) *Laughs and nodds*

  2. at the core of all this shit (no offense) lies some wisdom...makes sense!

  3. Nice article, read it in RAIT magazine. Keep on with the humour.

  4. Thank you! :D Hope you liked The Wall '09. :)
