Indulge in Indelible Ink :P

A couple of my pals voted this time. I am happy for them.
Wish I had voted... but my name was not on the list. hehe

But hey- what the heck is this 'Vote for India' tag-line?!
Does it make any sense? Well.. kinda it does.

We can't really vote for the parties keeping their Prime Ministerial candidates in mind.
Why vote for goons in our area when their party has a genuine good bloke to take the seat in Delhi?

And it is obvious.
People do vote keeping their locality in mind.
A friend of mine votes for a certain politician just because having him as her neighbor helps keep water and electricity problems at bay. Corruption is deep, no one can deny it.

Keeping this case aside- we must vote for good fellows without giving a damn to which party they belong. If that guy/lady can bring in some reforms, what else do we need?

We vote for good guys and it results in the following-
  • Party heads see the need to field good candidates in that particular area since people are aware
  • They'll need to field good candidates at many places if everyone becomes aware, becomes a good citizen and reads this blog. :P
  • And so the good layer will rise
  • Which will result in better politicians for India!
And that is the end result.

So, five years from now, I'll be voting for India!

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